Learning for Peer Reviewers

CIHR offers a number of learning modules to help you gain in-depth knowledge about our programs, processes and tools. These modules are intended to ensure that all participants in the peer review process have the same base knowledge of the processes and policies in order to conduct effective and fair peer review. For more information, please contact the College of Reviewers.

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Learning modules
MandatoryConducting Quality Reviews Mandatory

This module is designed to provide peer reviewers with tips for conducting and writing high quality reviews at CIHR

Review the College’s Best Practices in Peer Review

Duration: 7 minutes

Bias in Peer Review Mandatory

This module is designed to promote an understanding of bias, how it can affect the peer review process, and provides strategies for mitigating bias during the review process.

Duration: 30 minutes

Option 3: Assessing Sex and Gender Integration in Peer Review Mandatory

This is one of three learning materials focused on sex and gender considerations. Complete the one module that best matches your methodological expertise. If your role does not require methodological expertise (e.g., knowledge user, patient), we recommend you watch this video.

This video is designed to promote an understanding of the difference between sex and gender and how they should be included in research proposals.

Duration: 5 minutes

Option 1: Introduction to Sex and Gender Considerations in Basic Science Mandatory

This is one of three modules focused on sex and gender considerations. Complete the one module that best matches your methodological expertise.

This module is designed to promote an understanding of the difference between sex and gender and of their importance in basic science. This module also provides methods for assessing and integrating sex and gender as a biological variable.

Duration: 8 minutes

Option 2: Introduction to Sex and Gender Considerations in Clinical and Epidemiological Research Mandatory

This is one of three modules focused on sex and gender considerations. Complete the one module that best matches your methodological expertise.

This module is designed to promote an understanding of the difference between sex and gender and of their importance in clinical and epidemiological research. This module also provides methods for assessing and integrating sex and gender in research involving the collection and analysis of data from human participants.

Duration: 11 minutes

Peer Review for Knowledge Users

This module aims to introduce knowledge users (e.g. patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, etc.), to the peer review process at CIHR.

Duration: 20 minutes

CIHR 101 (Part 1 of 2): Introduction to CIHR New

Part 1 of 2

This module provides an overview of the health research landscape and CIHR. This includes learning about the importance of CIHR and its role in health research, the purpose of the 13 Institutes, the four major categories of CIHR funded health research, and how CIHR funds health research.

Duration: 20 minutes

CIHR 101 (Part 2 of 2): Peer Review at CIHR New

Part 2 of 2

This module introduces reviewers to the peer review process at CIHR. This includes understanding the importance of peer review, reviewing CIHR’s principles of peer review, listing the expectations of peer reviewers, highlighting the different roles within peer review, and explaining the purpose of the College of Reviewers.

Duration: 20 minutes

Completing your Reviewer Profile

This module is designed to promote an understanding of the importance of the reviewer profile, as well as to provide a step-by-step guide for completing your reviewer profile.

Duration: 9 minutes

Participation and responsiveness in peer review

This module is designed to promote an understanding of the peer review performance indicators of contribution, professionalism, preparedness, and responsiveness.

Review the College’s Best Practices in Peer Review

Duration: 10 minutes

Reviewing for the Fellowship Awards Program

This module is designed to provide an overview of the Fellowship Awards program, as well as to promote an understanding of the evaluation of applications and of the peer review process.

Duration: 14 minutes

HTML version | PDF version (246 KB) | DOCX version (108 KB)

Updates to the Fellowship Awards Program

This module is designed to present updates and new content additions to the current Fellowship Awards Program.

Duration: 4 minutes

HTML version | PDF version (179 KB) | DOCX version (100 KB)

Updates to the Doctoral Research Awards Program

This module is designed to present updates and new content additions to the current Doctoral Research Awards Program.

Duration: 4 minutes

HTML version | PDF version (176 KB) | DOCX version (100 KB)

Reviewing for the Doctoral Research Awards Program

This module is designed to provide an overview of the Doctoral Research Awards programs, as well as to promote an understanding of the evaluation of applications and of the peer review process.

Duration: 14 minutes

HTML version | PDF version (263 KB) | DOCX version (107 KB)

Roles and Responsibilities of the SO

This module is designed to promote an understanding of the Scientific Officer’s roles and responsibilities within the peer review process.

Duration: 5 minutes

Priority-Driven Research: Peer Review Process

This module provides an overview of the types of peer review and the steps taken when conducting reviews for CIHR’s Priority-Driven Research initiatives. The module is also designed to promote an understanding of the roles and steps taken during the peer review meeting.

Duration: 12 minutes

Background context on Indigenous Health Research

This module is designed to promote an understanding of the history of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and of the background context on Indigenous Health Research by including examples of common experiences related to colonization.

Duration: 10 minutes

Research Involving First Nations, Inuit and Metis Peoples of Canada (TCPS 2 Chapter 9)

These learning materials are designed to promote an understanding of the diverse perspectives on research involving First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities and of the Ethics framework and needs of different Aboriginal communities involved in research.

Duration: Web page – Self-paced, Webinar – 90 minutes

Course on Research Ethics - TCPS 2: CORE

This course is designed to promote an understanding of the ethics that apply to all research involving human participants, including their data and/or biological materials.

Duration: 4 hours

Global Health Research

This module is designed to promote an understanding of global health research and of the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research’s (CCGHR) principles for equitable and ethical global health research.

Duration: 6 minutes

Project Grant Competition – Part 1: Updates to the Project Grant Competition

This module is designed to present updates and new content additions to the current Project Grant competition.

Duration: 4 minutes

HTML version | PDF version (196 KB) | DOCX version (101 KB)

Project Grant Competition – Part 2: Overview of the Peer Review Process

This module is designed to provide an overview of the Project Grant competition and peer review process.

Duration: 15 minutes

HTML version | PDF version (249 KB) | DOCX version (109 KB)

Project Grant Competition – Part 3: Adjudication Criteria and Rating Scale

This module is designed to promote an understanding of how applications are adjudicated in the Project Grant competition.

Duration: 6 minutes

HTML version | PDF version (218 KB) | DOCX version (107 KB)

Project Grant Competition – Part 4: Committee Member Roles

This module is designed to describe committee member roles in the Project Grant competition.

Duration: 3 minutes

HTML version | PDF version (156 KB) | DOCX version (100 KB)

Project Grant Competition – Part 5: Sex and Gender-based Analysis

This module is designed to promote an understanding of how sex and gender considerations are incorporated in the Project Grant competition.

Duration: 5 minutes

HTML version | PDF version (201 KB) | DOCX version (106 KB)

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